Saturday, August 6, 2011

Us budget Cuts Need to Look at military Spending


When it comes to cutting the Us deficit, the government works hard to find excessive spending on a range of programs. However, one key area that is almost all the time overlooked despite its excessive bloat is the defense budget. Forces spending is thought about taboo by most politicians and so, it is allowed to grow excessively.

As an example, reconsider President Obama's ruling for a frost on discretionary spending. This proposal is meant to help sacrifice the government's deficit by preventing new programs or increases in spending that could added growth the deficit. This frost does not apply to the defense budget, meaning that the Forces spending can continue to grow without essential regulation held upon it.

Feeling in a similar fashion, Barney Frank of Massachusetts created a funds commission assigned the task of finding for ways to cut Forces spending. In his objectives, he aimed to cut spending by reducing the American Forces proximity in Western Europe and in Japan. There are 3,000 marines in the Japanese city of Okinawa, meaning that the United States must pay and support each maritime stationed there. These marines could be used more effectively in other regions or in other roles within the military. Likewise, programs on weapons systems that don't have a strong application or foreseeable use can be cut.

Us budget Cuts Need to Look at military Spending

In the end, there are many ways in which the Forces funds could be reduced in order to help fight the United States deficit. The United States Forces expenditures are well above any other country in the world, and will continue to serve as a drag on the cheaper until politicians begin to take a stronger stance on removing these costs.

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