Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tag Heuer method 1 Watch - Is It Safe To Buy It Online?


If you are planning to buy a Tag Heuer formula 1 watch online and having thoughts about whether is it safe to do so, then basically the write back is yes.

But before you go clicking on the next "Buy It Now" button you can find, you need to be sure about one most prominent factor when it comes to manufacture a purchase online.

Do the firm that you are planning to buy from have a secured and trustworthy payment processing platforms? Are you going to be rest assured that you are going to be safe from one of the biggest problem with online purchasing; reputation card fraud?

Tag Heuer method 1 Watch - Is It Safe To Buy It Online?

Unfortunately, reputation card fraud seems to have become one of the quirks of nowadays contemporary community and since holiday season is just around the corner, giving this issue an extra attention is very recommended.

As many of us are making ready to buy gifts for our popular ones, there are a inescapable group of habitancy who are eagerly waiting in hope on this huge window of opportunities to scam you.

But still, it does not mean that you are totally unsafe from doing any online transaction at all. Most major firm have long taken unbeatable protection measures using the latest technologies that are far more advanced, which is impossible for these fraudsters to penetrate.

Nevertheless, it is always best for you to be extra cautious. Here are 8 things you need to pay attention to:

1. Never sign in to any of your accounts, verify your account, send your reputation card number, Pin number or reputation card protection number or make any kind of payments through links sent into your e-mail.

Sometimes the link included in these fraud or phishing e-mails may look like it belongs to the genuine retailing company's address. You can check where it beyond doubt points to by hovering your mouse over the link--the actual Web site where it points to will be shown in the status bar at the lowest of your browser window or as a pop-up.

2. It is normal for major sell companies to have referrals or affiliates help them to promote their products. According to the latest Ftc law, all referral or affiliate website must clearly recite links to the affiliate deal made in the middle of them and the sell firm on their website. Please take your time to look for this link, click on it and read the agreement.

3. Make sure any buying links available on the referral or affiliate site will only take you directly to the sell company's official website before manufacture any transaction. To be sure of this, look at the Url or the web address of the webpage that you have arrived to in your browser's address bar. It should begin with "" instead of something like "http://www.some-other-name/".

4. And when you are about to make payment be sure that the Url for that webpage begins with "https://" instead of the quarterly "http://". An "https://" Url (the "s" stands for "secure") indicates that you are on the company's collect server which encrypts all submitted facts and you are safe to make online transactions.

Alternatively, look for the exiguous padlock icon at the lowest of your browser. If none to be found, it is best for you to leave that website.

5. Never give out your reputation card Pin number. Any valid online transaction will never ask you for one. All they will wish is your full name, your reputation card number, your card Cvv code (Card Verification Value code - the 3 protection digits placed at the back of your card) and your valid billing address.

6. Make sure that you collect a valid and printable receipt which contains all of your transaction details including the reputation card number you have used for that single purchase.

7. always log off completely from any site or online reputation card transaction. If a "log off" feature is not provided, shut down your browser to preclude unauthorized entrance to your personal data.

8. For added protection when you're shopping online, register your card with "Verified by Visa". Your unique password will ensure that only you can use your reputation card.

By following the basic guidelines stated above, you will be leaps ahead of other shoppers who choose not to take the time to protect themselves.

buy watches online


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